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Spring Forward with the Real Estate Market: Why You Should Sell in the Spring

In case you forgot, March 8th marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time…but there’s something else you should consider as you change your clocks. If you’ve been thinking about selling your home, spring is the perfect time to make your move. Still on the fence? Here’s everything you should know before you list.

Why Should You Sell in the Spring?

It’s more convenient

Couple learning why you should sell in the spring

Timing is one of the biggest factors to consider before you list your home. Although there are merits to selling during every season, most sellers prefer to put their homes on the market during the warmer months. Wondering why? It’s all about convenience.

Buyers, especially if they have kids, prefer to start their home search in the spring so they can spend summer adjusting to their new place. As a seller, you won’t have to do as much work to get your home looking its best, either. The shining sun, green grass, and blossoming flowers will help you wow potential buyers—but we’ll discuss that more a little later.

The days are longer

Sunny sky

Buyers are often more motivated to look at homes when they feel like they have more time during the day. The longer days and extra sunlight really come in handy when it comes to selling your home—and can also help you get more showings.

Want to appeal to more buyers? Talk to your agent about allowing evening tours to attract people who might work from nine to five. Your home will still look amazing (the sunset makes for a great backdrop!) and you’ll have time for an extra showing or two.

There’s better curb appeal

Exterior of a home and other sell in the spring tips

Let’s face it—our homes look pretty drab in the winter. There’s nothing appealing about brown grass and dead plants, and it can really deter buyers from touring your place. Luckily, most homes bounce back after March or April, so you won’t have to do much to enhance your curb appeal.

Once your landscaping has come back to life, take some time to trim back bushes, fertilize your lawn, and add new flowers to make your yard pop. Your listing will feature an exterior shot of your home, which means it’s crucial to have everything looking its best! If your outdoor space needs a little more TLC, consult with a landscaper before spring to address any issues.

Prices are higher

House figure, coins, and sell in the spring

Real estate is an industry that’s rooted in supply and demand. Because so many buyers are searching for homes in spring, there’s often not enough inventory to go around. That means you have the freedom to set your price, and if there’s a bidding war, you could stand to make more money than you initially thought.

Because there are more properties on the market during spring, your agent can get a better idea of how much your home can realistically sell for. Be sure to compare your home to others that have recently sold in your neighborhood. It’s crucial to set a price that will attract buyers’ attention—but you also don’t want to lose any hard-earned equity!

Ready to Sell in the Spring?

If you’re getting ready to sell in the spring, we’d love to help you out! Here at Forsyth Realty, we pride ourselves on offering our sellers all the tools they need to succeed. Looking for advice? Drop us a line or check out our selling tips for more details!

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