Welcome to our first “DIY Corner – Making your house a home” post!
We will do these periodically and feature guest writers from Forsyth Realty Group because we believe our help doesn’t stop when they hand you the keys to your new place – we want to be there to help turn that house into your home.
This month’s DIY is Kitchen Redo! Hello it is Maria and welcome to my home! The kitchen featured below is mine, when I first moved in and then just a weeks later! I live in a 1940’s cottage with lots of charm but limited space – I did my best to bring change but still keep the character in the home. I’ll break down my simple tricks to make my small flip fast, easy, and inexpensive.
The kitchen is often called the “heart of the home”. Its where you’ll spend so much of your time, effort, and memories – so make sure that space feels comforting, homey, and lovely.
5 Easy Steps to Your DIY Kitchen Redo:
- Maria’s Rule: You’ve heard the saying, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris —–Maria’s Rule – I say TRY TO DO BOTH! People often comment on my style in my home and ask how I make everything look like “me”. My answer is simple, I always try to pick out things that I need AND look beautiful. i.e – If you need a toaster, as simple as this sounds, buy one that brings you joy. (Example: Kate Spade New York Toaster in Turquoise). It might mean spending a little more on the item, but the next time its sitting out on your counter or left on a table you’re not annoyed by the “cluttered look” but enjoy seeing your cute piece on the table being used! Now I know this cannot apply to all items, sadly I have been trying to find a leaf blower that looks shabby chic and can’t seem to find one -haha. But for the most part, find your USEFUL BEAUTIFUL pieces to fill your home.
- Paint! A fresh coat of paint is a transformation in a day! Check out these articles on the latest and best colors of the season – Real Simple Magazine, Ways to Make a Neutral Space Pop – HGTV.com, Adding Color to Your Home. (Or if you’re like me, use your favorite color and don’t care what anyone else thinks or whats “hot right now” – its your home, make it yours!)
- Did you say Wallpaper? Why yes I did! The photos pictured above of the before and after of my kitchen display a beautiful brick back splash. Or is it? That is actually wallpaper! Brewster Gray and White Brick Peel & Stick Wallpaper White. Now for long term redos and to add value to your home you’re going to want to do it right with a real brick or stone back splash. But while you may be waiting to save up your money for that huge investment of redoing the house, you can use sticker decals for the in-between! There’s no reason to hate the way your kitchen looks while you’re waiting to make that big flip!
- Photos of Loved Ones. Why is the so often kitchen left out when it comes to properly displaying photos of those we love? Lets face it – typically we save those beautiful photos for the living room, or mantle, and only put a few pictures on the refrigerator. I say – change this! We spend a lot of time working in the kitchen, cooking, cleaning, sitting and drinking our morning coffee – why not have photos that bring a smile to your face in those moments? We usually use the excuse that we need the space and don’t want clutter. I agree, however, for me instead of having kitchen wall decor that has no emotional response for me I put up photos of my family or pets. Now when I do the dishes I can smile at a picture of my daughter smiling back at me. It can change the feel of the entire room.
- Light Fixtures! You’ll notice there isn’t a new light fixture in the photos of my kitchen above (still a work in progress) and that is the one thing that can change an entire room! Keeping everything looking standard or “cookie cutter” takes the character out of the home! Check out these awesome 15 Pendant Lights to Elevate + Illuminate Your Kitchen HGTV.com
What are your thoughts on my kitchen flip? If you have any comments or ideas we would love to hear from you!

About the Author: Maria Weisz -Creative Catalyst – Forsyth Realty Group
Originally from New Jersey, Maria has lived all over the US, but after having moved to Winston Salem 2 years ago she has absolutely fallen in love with this city. After getting her Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies from Liberty University she went on to be the co-owner of a photography company for almost 7 years. Being a creative soul, she enjoys art, design, photography, music, and redoing furniture. Most of all, she enjoys playing with her daughter and chasing their dogs around! Working as Creative Director and Office Administrator for Forsyth Realty Group allows her to explore her creative nature, meet amazing clients, work with a team of dedicated but funny people, and explore new challenges!
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